September 23, 2020

Today I want to talk to you about how to become a non-creepy stalker. But before you go running for the hills, it’s not what it sounds like (promise!). 

I’m talking about tracking potential customers who watch your videos and gathering insightful data so you can ultimately turn them into paying customers. 

This is the exact strategy Jordan Le, owner of a digital marketing agency, uses to sell his online courses. Keep reading to see exactly what he did.


Jordan Le sells courses to help people land high ticket clients. He typically sells people into his courses by getting them to convert off of a webinar. 

His webinar was full of great content and typically would get people to convert, so he was looking for a way to get people to watch more of his webinar. 

He wanted to know exactly who was watching how much of his webinar, so he could follow up with them accordingly. And, he didn’t want to do the follow up manually (because, let’s be real. Who has time for that anyway?).

Here’s what he did

Jordan used the PlusThis Video Trigger tool, which allowed him to take his webinar video and apply tags based on how long someone watched it. He then used the insights and data to get people to watch more of his training if they left early, and reward people who watched the whole training with customized follow-up.

Do you have any places in your business that would benefit from tracking who watched your videos? If so, let us know in the comments below!

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