May 5, 2020

Our latest tool allows you to easily apply tags on contacts based on tags, fields, dates, statuses, and tag counts.

For example, you could use this to apply a “bonus delivery” for the first ten people to buy.

Or you could use this to trigger a tag to apply automation if an email or phone field is missing. 

Or, you could use this to simplify your automations by more options than just “yes” or “no.”

If you’ve ever wanted a simpler or easier way to apply automation, this tool is for you.

Here’s How it Works

Select A Tag You Want Applied

PlusThis integrates with Keap/Infusionsoft, ActiveCampaign, Drip, Ontraport and HubSpot. When you first open the Decision Maker tool, it will allow you to pick any tags you’ve created in your marketing CRM.

Don’t have a tag already created? No problem. You can click on the plus sign to create a tag in your CRM from the PlusThis interface.

Set Your Conditions

Next, you can pick which conditions you want to set in order for the tag to be applied.

Here are the different ways you can apply tags.

  1. Field Value: Pick a field and then have tag applied based on a value you compare to the field. The tag will be applied if the field equals, doesn’t equal, is higher, is lower, is empty, contains, or doesn’t contain that value.
  2. Tags: You can pick which tags you want Decision Maker to check for. If someone has those tags, they will have the tag applied.
  3. Email Status: You can use this condition to apply a tag based on opt-outs, bounces, single opt-ins, and double opt-ins.
  4. Date: This will apply a tag based on set dates or dates in fields.
  5. Number of Records With a Tag: You can apply tags if the number of contacts with a certain tag is greater than, less than, equal, or not equal to a certain number.

Choose When To Trigger the Decision Maker

Decision Maker is triggered from a webhook or html snippet in your marketing CRM. 

Pick the spot in your campaign or automation where you want to use the Decision Maker

Watch a demo using Keap or Infusionsoft

Watch a demo using ActiveCampaign

How SixthDivision Uses Decision Maker For Active Campaign

How SixthDivision Uses Decision Maker For Infusionsoft/Keap

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