February 22, 2016

Memberium WebinarThis week we’re excited to do a special live training with Micah Mitchell from Memberium.

We know most Infusionsoft users think about implementing a membership site some time or another.

After all, membership sites are great for training portals, adding more residual income streams, housing your video library and more.

So, I thought I would reach out to Micah and his team and invite them to teach a live online training with our customers.

There’s some pretty creative ways people are using membership sites with PlusThis and I’d love for you to see for yourselves.

The webinar is going to cover…

  • How the “pros” build profitable membership sites
  • Live walkthrough of high performing Infusionsoft membership sites
  • Why every business should create a membership site
  • How to use PlusThis with Memberium to create magical customer experiences

If you haven’t registered yet, you can do so by clicking here.

Looking forward to having you all there.







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