July 23, 2024

I’ve been building businesses since I got fired from my first job in 2001.Businesses like Infusionsoft/Keap, SixthDivision, PlusThis, Slottable, and TagGenie. You probably know at least one of these… but chances are you don’t know ME.But if you’re going to get content from me, it might be nice to know what we have in common as

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May 15, 2024

Recently Brad Martineau, Co-Founder of PlusThis was interviewed on the Inspired Insider Podcast. Before even making it five minutes in, Brad joked about learning from his many mistakes as an agency and SAAS owner. Instead of just going straight into the default questions, Dr. Weisz paused, and asked Brad, “I have to know what some

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March 6, 2024

Keap’s affiliate tools are a convenient way to reward partners for sending business your way. The referral center gives your partners convenient templates and links to share your offers and content. So, it’s important the leads get set correctly to their affiliate. Currently, the only way an affiliate gets set is if the lead comes

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January 18, 2024

Want higher conversions, engagement, and easily pull off crazy ninja stuff within ActiveCampaign? Look no further! PlusThis has cracked the nut (with the help from our friends at GetUWired) to make EIGHT of our most powerful tools work even better with ActiveCampaign. We’ve added the ability to run some of your favorite strategies inside of

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January 16, 2024

Every month we’re adding a new tool or feature upgrade to our library of add-ons and tools. We want to catch everyone up on some of the newest updates we’ve done recently. First, we’ve added a way to add notes to your tools. Have you ever created a tool but forgot which campaign you’re using

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