Want higher conversions, engagement, and easily pull off crazy ninja stuff within ActiveCampaign? Look no further!
PlusThis has cracked the nut (with the help from our friends at GetUWired) to make EIGHT of our most powerful tools work even better with ActiveCampaign.
We’ve added the ability to run some of your favorite strategies inside of ActiveCampaign including…
- Tracking how much of a video a lead watches and send different follow-up based on whether they watched it or not
- Driving urgency with dynamic countdown timers that show up on pages and within follow-up emails
- Triggering automation if a contact clicks on a link on a page on your site
- Automatically sending a contact to a unique thank-you page based on specific data on their contact record (bought a product in the past sends them to a specific offer vs. sending them to the original offer)
- Automatically updating the contact record with Geo IP location data after they fill out one of your forms
- And much more!
We’re leveraging ActiveCampaign’s ability to pass contact info from a form to a page so many of our tools can work even better with your marketing.
Where can you go to see these tools if you’re a PlusThis customer? Log into your PlusThis account and visit the “Available Tools” to see more.
Need a more concrete example? No problem! Let’s take Video Triggers…
You run ads to a free video training where you teach people how to garden.
When people come to the landing page, they fill out their name and email, and then they land on the video page.
You want to be able to tell ActiveCampaign when a lead has watched your video so you can send personalized follow-up to the leads who watched and different follow-up to the leads who didn’t watch.

Video Triggers is just one of the tools we’ve added this functionality for.
Here’s a list of all the tools getting this update for ActiveCampaign:
- Action Links
- Contact Locator
- Countdown Timer
- Google Drive Uploader
- Page Triggers
- Smart Links
- Split Test Pages
- Video Triggers
These tools are all live and available right now within your PlusThis account, so go log in and check ’em out!